PAGANLAND was founded in 1997 by Ruen and Bilozor in Lviv – one of the most beautiful Ukrainian cities, whose developed traditions incorporated the European cultural spirit of the last millennium, and every stone breathes with centuries-old history of decline and revival, wars and temporary rest.

The natural mysticism hidden in the Carpathians’ greatness, the dense woods and pure mountain sources could not but affect musicians with Pagan outlook, therefore their debut demo "Gods of Golden Circle" (1999) and the demo "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" (2008) one way or another had been nearly related to Pagan Metal.

The line-up’s changes, routine of rehearsals, hardships of concert activity caused the group’s breakup in 2005, but three years later the group revived and in 2011 recorded the first full-length album "Wind Of Freedom", having resumed their concert activity. This album was released in 2013 by Svarga Music. One year later band records a second album called "Fatherland" which is dedicated to all Patriots of Ukraine fighting against Russian aggression.

After few changes in the line-up in 2015, the most notable of which was a departure of the long term vocalist Volodymyr, band went to studio to record their third full-length work “From Carpathian Land” which will be released in November 2016 by Svarga Music.

PAGANLAND is a group of persons holding the same views, who respect and love their native land, their nation, their language and who are convinced that the Ukraine is the cradle of all Slavonic people with improbably interesting history forgotten and distorted for the last ten centuries. Megaliths and petroglyphs of Kamennaya Mogila (the Stone Grave), the sanctuary-observatory of Khortytsia, the ancient observatory of Mavrinsky Maidan, the mysterious zone of Suppert… The runes of "Veles’ Book" and runic manuscripts from the library of Anna Yaroslavna (Queen of France and Princess of Ukraine)… Secret knowledge of molfars and volkhves… How many of the people worldwide at least simply heard about all of this?

The group members try to express their love of the native land, the nature in their lyrics and music, as well as draw attention of their listeners to the fact that not only money and lie rule the world in the period of the Epoch of Pisces. The human can and has to stand up for the truth, and the truth of life had been established long ago by our ancestors. All meaning of the group’s creative activity is the tribute to our land, our ancient culture, our history.

Album: "From Carpathian Land"

Style: Pagan Black Metal

Recorded: 2016

Released: 2016 (CD)


PAGANLAND is deeply rooted in the endless woods of the Carpathians, their history and their cultural heritage – and such is the powerful Pagan Metal they create. Their third album is an exciting experience for fans of mid 90’s Pagan Metal with its heroic melodies and raw energy. Release contains a new version of their iconic track “Black Mountain” and would appeal to fans of old BORKNAGAR, SKYFORGER and MANEGARM.

Album: "Fatherland"

Style: Pagan Metal

Recorded: 2014

Released: 2015 (CD)


PAGANLAND's second album is dedicated to all Patriots of Ukraine fighting against Russian aggression. Being one of the oldest Ukrainian Pagan Metal bands, PAGANLAND carries over the love for their Land and authentic atmosphere of Carpathians into their sincerely crafted music. “Fatherland” would be interesting for fans of old BORKNAGAR and FALKENBACH but with a Slavonic touch.

Album: "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors"

Style: Pagan Metal

Recorded: 2003

Released: 2008 (split-CD)


Second demo recorded in 2003 and released only in 2008 on split-CD with another Ukrainian Pagan Metal band Tenhi Zabutih Predkiv. Pure and raw produced Pagan Metal influenced by Carpathian folklore from one side and classical heavy metal from another.

Album: "Wind of Freedom"

Style: Pagan Metal

Recorded: 2011

Released: 2013 (CD)


Debut full-length album recorded in 2011, and released in 2013 on CD by Svarga Music. Ukrainian Pagan Metal in it's best - high quality professional recording, great folklore atmospheres and lyrics completely written in Ukrainian. Take a middle point between Heidevolk, Arkona, Vintersorg and Ensiferum and you'll get an impression of what is inside...

Album: "Gods of Golden Circle"

Style: Pagan Metal

Recorded: 1998

Released: 1999 (MC)


PAGANLAND's very first demo recorded in 1998 and released on tape in 1999. Ukrainian Pagan Metal influeced by Symphonic Black Metal but with underground sound production.

PAGANLAND brings the melancholy and great atmosphere while continuing along the Slavic pagan metal like no one else seems to characterize. They cannot be mixed up with numerous other bands in this movement, because they managed to create a unique identity with their work. Really a must.

Rock Tribune (Belgium, Dutch, 82/100), March 2013 about "Wind of Freedom"

From black metal influence, through sympho metal to classical pagan elements, "Wind of Freedom" offers a broad and beautiful picture in which fans can enjoy a variety of genres. Author believes that this release is a must-have for every fan of folk metal, melodic black and Slavonic metal.

Nocturne Magazine (Serbia, Serbian, 8/10), February 2013 about "Wind of Freedom"

PAGANLAND composed beautiful songs which deserve to be heard. Recommended for all Pagan and Folk Metal fans.

Stormbringer (Austria, German, 4/5), January 2013 about "Wind of Freedom"

Surprise of the Month! Even more authentic to the areas of Western Ukraine and Carpathian mountains, Paganland is certainly worth of the attention of those into earlier works by Nokturnal Mortum and Drudkh (without an overt nationalistic message).

MetalReviews (USA, English, 86/100), February 2013 about "Wind of Freedom"

"Wind of Freedom" will appeal greatly to fans of bands like Munruthel, Nokturnal Mortum, Butterly Temple, Arkona. Good album without any doubt.

Xtreem Music (Spain, Spanish, 8/10), January 2013 about "Wind of Freedom"

The clean lines sound very much like a Ukrainian version of Vintersorg: a clean mid-range tone, with smooth, high inflections. If you can imagine Vintersorg singing along to a Cossack dance, then you have a pretty good idea of what it sounds like.

The Metal Observer (Canada, English, 8.5/10), February 2013 about "Wind of Freedom"

Should you care about yet another pagan metal release? Paganland, however, bring something new - most likely, it's their Slavic folk influence. Wind of Freedom has a sound that is different from the Celtic and Nordic influences on most pagan metal albums.

Grave Concerns E-Zine (USA, English), January 2013 about "Wind of Freedom"
[all reviews]