MUNRUTHEL "Oriana Tales"

Style: Dark Ambient/Pagan Metal

Recorded: 1999

Released: 1999 (MC), 2004 (CD), 2009 (digi-CD)

Avallable in our shop: No


Second album of MUNRUTHEL is a landmark in his creativity. The Dark Ambient mixed with Slavonic Folk melodies. In this album for the first time sole metal experiements of Munruthel are performed, and very successul ones since the track "Brilliance of the Thundering Swords" can be considered as one of the best Pagan Metal songs coming from Ukraine.

1. Мать-Луна (Восход) (Mother-Moon (Sunrise))
2. Властелин болтных топей (Lord of the Bog Swamps)
3. Навье шествие (Nav' Procession)
4. Запредельные чертоги кромешников (Overlimiting Chambers of Kromeshniks)
5. Чернее черного (Darker Than Black)
6. Предрассветный танец денницы (The Pre-Dawn Dance of Dennitsa)
7. Блеск грозовых мечей (Brilliance of the Thundering Swords)
8. Предание Святослава (The Legend of Sviatoslav)
9. Мистерии русалий и полыни (The Mysteries of Rusalias and Wormwood)
10. Зов берегинь (The Call of Bereginias)
11. Сумерки жидохриста (Twilight of judeochrist)
12. Отец-Солнце (Закат) (Father-Sun (Sunset))

Full tracks from the album:MUNRUTHEL 1999 "Brilliance of the Thundering Swords" by Svarga Music

MUNRUTHEL 1999 "Darker Than Black" by Svarga Music